There are many things that could be considered about the environment to ensure accessibility.

Signage for example is helpful for all of us when we enter an unfamiliar environment, but using words and pictures will hopefully help most people even people that have communication differences or speak a different language. Photographs of staff can help all of us know who people are when they see them.

Some examples include:

  • Lifts
  • Ramps
  • Automatic doors
  • Raised or lowered furniture
  • Width of corridors
  • Accessible parking

If there are limitations in terms of how accessible the environment can be made, we can  consider having things readily available that might help you manage the environment. For example:

  • Calm boxes - what helps them such as lavender spray or fidgit toy

  • Noise, ear defenders, noise cancelling headphones

  • Quiet or outdoor areas

  • Using dimmers (if applicable) or lamps instead of the main lighting