What does Involvement mean?
- Having your views and experiences listened to and used to improve services.
- Having the chance to use and share your personal skills and experience.
- Helping to ensure other service users and carers receive the best care possible.
- Helping shape your local mental health services.
What does Co-production mean?
Co-production is when service users, carers and staff work together as equal partners to improve services.
What does Service User/Carer involvement include?
There are many ways you can get involved. You can choose the things you are interested in.
- Reviewing services and giving feedback
- Staff training and induction
- Recruiting new staff
- Taking part in groups or meetings
- Coming to Trust conferences and events
- Projects and tasks, such as reviewing literature and helping organise events
- Mental health awareness talks
- Mentoring and supporting other service users (peer mentoring)
- Fundraising activities
About our CPI Reference Group?
The Complex Psychological Interventions (CPI) reference group is made up of people who have worked with a therapist from CPI. We meet once a month in person at a community venue for 1.5 hrs. Refreshments are available at the meetings.
What we do?
Writing and producing information leaflets;
- Developing and evaluating questionnaires for staff and service users;
- Reviewing assessment letter templates;
- Making comments and suggestions about service user evaluation methods;
- Education around co-production;
- Sharing information, being kept informed and giving your views about service changes;
- Taking part in service improvement projects, helping us set priorities and make decisions;
- Co-designing and co-delivering training for staff.
Who can be involved?
Service users and former service users, carers and former carers can all be involved.
All experience and feedback is important to us. We will treat everybody as an individual, whatever their background. We value inclusion and welcome diversity and difference.
Will my expenses be reimbursed?
Yes. We value your time and commitment and will always pay expenses e.g. parking, travel. As well as this, we can also pay for your time. Reimbursement is currently at least £12 an hour for the reference group and any working groups.
How do you get involved?
Speak to your therapist or contact CPIadmin on 0117 9195680 or awp
One of the facilitators will contact you to explain how the group works and offer you the possibility of attending a taster session.
Contact us
To find out more, speak to Melissa Lane (melissa
Tel: 0117 9195680
BSL Video Relay
www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.
Other languages and accessibility
See bottom of page to select language, read aloud and adjust text.
To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
Tel: 01225 362 900
Freephone: 0800 073 1778
Email: awp
Leaflet information
Lead: Senior Administrator BMH CPI
Leaflet code: 122 AWP
Approved Dec 23
Review due Dec 26