What is the recovery service?
We provide care, treatment and support for people who have been referred for further help by an AWP assessing service such as Primary Care Liaison Service (PCLS), BANES Intensive Service or the Mental Health Liaison Service at Bath Royal United Hospital.
We will help you work out possible reasons for your difficulties and give support and treatment to promote your recovery.
This will include looking at ways to stay well. When you are discharged, you will have a plan to support this.
When do we work?
The recovery service operates from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
How do we work?
Our team will work closely with you and, where possible, with relatives and friends who are supporting you.
You will have a care co-ordinator who will work out a care plan with you, so that everyone is clear about your treatment and how this will help towards your recovery.
The Recovery Star may be used to help you understand your situation.
Together, we will regularly review your care plan and will give you an idea about how long we will work with you
Some people need higher levels of support at times or struggle with seeking help. We can provide more intensive help when needed.
What do we offer?
Your care co-ordinator or other members of the team can offer a range of treatments, including:
- medication
- talking therapies
- help with your family relationships
- help thinking about work or training
- help thinking about your general physical health
- peer mentoring
- support to recognise possible early signs of distress and find ways of dealing with these to keep you well
- support for your family or friends who may be helping you.
If you would benefit from seeing other people in the mental health service, your care coordinator will help organise this and make sure that things run as smoothly as possible.
We also work with the IPS service (Richmond Fellowship) who help service users with employment.
Information for family and friends
For most families, the care co-ordinator will be the main point of contact. Where possible, they will involve you in the care plan, make sure that you have contact details and know how to keep in touch.
Support for carers
Family members and friends involved in supporting a person with mental health needs are described as carers. If you are a carer, you have the right to a carer’s assessment. This will help you identify:
- support and information you need
- information you need to support the services user and aid their recovery.
We can also give you:
- contact details of networks in your area which offer support to carers of people with mental health needs.
- leaflets about mental health care, such as the purposes and side effects of medication or about psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy or family therapy.
If you feel that you are struggling to get your point of view across, you may wish to consider having someone to act as an advocate.
You can find out more about this by contacting:
PohWer advocacy services
https://www.pohwer.net/bath-and-north-east- somerset
Local information
Your care co-ordinator is:
Other people involved in your care are:
B&NES Recovery Team
Bath NHS House, Newbridge Hill, Bath BA13QE
01225 731631 9am - 5pm
(For medical emergencies dial 999)
BSL Video Relay
www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.
For information on Trust services visit www.awp.nhs.uk
To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Tel: 01225 362 900
Freephone: 0800 073 1778
Email: awp
Other languages and formats
If you need this information in another language or format (such as large print, audio, Braille), please call the PALS number.
For information in other languages, audio and ‘read aloud’, please click on the Recite Me button at the top of our website
Lead: Recovery Team Manager BANES
Leaflet code: 022A AWP
Last reviewed: 2022
Next review due: 2025