About our service
The Mental Health Liaison Team offers advice and/or assessment to patients admitted to either the Emergency Department or to a ward at the Great Western Hospital (GWH) who:
- require mental health support.
- staff feel could benefit from a mental health service.
The team is made up of mental health practitioners who are skilled in mental health assessment. We can offer advice on coping strategies and signpost you to services which may be able to help after discharge from hospital. We work closely with other teams both within GWH and the community, to make sure service users needs are met.
What happens when I am referred to the service?
The first thing we will do is to gather information about you and your mental health needs. We will always try to find somewhere quiet and private to talk. We will give you time to discuss your situation, so that we can support you in sorting out your difficulties.
We will ask you about the problems you are having, your mood, your social situation and any other relevant things that have happened in your life.
Please answer our questions as fully as possible so we can find the best way to help you.
Carer involvement
Where possible and with your consent, we would like to speak to and involve your family members/carers in your assessment. This helps make sure they are aware of your current difficulties and are able to give you support after you leave hospital.
What happens then?
Having gathered all the information, we will discuss the best options with you. We may make a number of suggestions and give you information about other services.
We will agree a plan with you and give you a written copy to take home. We will also write to your GP and tell them about any decision we make about your care. We will offer you a copy of this letter and if you wish, we can also send a copy to your family/carer.
Confidentiality and consent
We will always ask for your consent to share information. We have a duty to keep the information you share confidential. However, we will inform the ward team caring for you and your GP about the outcome of your assessment. In some cases, we may have a duty to speak to other agencies after your assessment. We would discuss this with you first.
What to do if things are not improving and you need more help
- It is always best to make an appointment with your GP. If needed, your GP can then refer you to other services.
- If you are receiving a service from a local mental health team, please look at the crisis and safety plan agreed between you and your care coordinator. If you do not have a crisis plan, please ask your care coordinator or someone in the team.
- If you are distressed and feel you need to talk to someone straight away, contact the Samaritans on 116 123.
- If you have physically harmed yourself in any way and you need medical attention, always go directly to your nearest Emergency Department.
Advice and support
- Citizens Advice provides advice on a range of issues including debt, benefits, housing, employment, immigration, family, consumer and other legal matters.
Swindon: 0808 278 7813
Wiltshire: 0800 144 8848
Substance misuse
- IMPACT Swindon & Wiltshire Active Recovery Service is a free drug and alcohol service run by Turning Point. Turning Point provides a flexible treatment and support service for people over 18, seeking support for drug and/or alcohol use, with a focus on recovery and community reintegration.
Swindon: 01793 328150
Trowbridge: 01225 341520
Salisbury: 01722 343000
Support lines
- The Samaritans is a confidential telephone support and counselling service for people feeling distressed and needing to talk. It operates 24 hours a day, 35 days a year. Tel: 116 123
- Shout provide support in crisis via a text service. Text 85258. Free on all major networks.
- NHS 111 24 hour nurse led telephone line
Useful contacts
Talking Therapies:
- Swindon and Wiltshire : The service provides support with mood, anxiety, emotional regulation including group sessions and 1:1 appointments. Services vary depending on area, please speak to your local team to find out more and book an initial appointment. Tel: Swindon 01793 836836 / Devizes: 01380 731335 / Salisbury: 01722 820267
- Cruse - Offers bereavement care and counselling services following the death of someone close. Tel: 0844 477 9400
Wellbeing Services:
- Swindon Mind: Wellbeing Support, Be Active programme, Community Programme, Employment Support, Steps Programme, which helps those transitioning across services, and the Self Harmony Counselling service. Based at Swindon Advice and Support Centre, Sanford Street, Swindon, SN1 1QH. Tel: 01793 432031
- Wiltshire MIND offers Counselling and Peer Support Groups and can be contacted on Tel: 01225 706532
- IPSUM: Aims are to help address issues such as mental, psychological and emotional health as well as loneliness and isolation. They offer services such as art therapy, arts and crafts and a music studio. Tel: 01793 695405
Mental Health Liaison Team, Victoria Centre, 53 Downs Way, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 6BW
Tel: 01793 327907
BSL Video Relay
www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.
For information on Trust services visit www.awp.nhs.uk
To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Tel: 01225 362 900
Freephone: 0800 073 1778
Email: awp
Other languages and formats
If you need this information in another language or format (such as large print, audio, Braille), please contact PALS.
Lead: Senior practitioner Mental Health Liaison Team
Leaflet code: 095G AWP
Last reviewed::Dec 2023
Next review due: Dec 2026