
The person you care for is receiving, or has received, a service from Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust (AWP). As a Trust, we would like to welcome you in working together with us to support the person you care for and in supporting you in your caring role.

What is a carer?

Throughout this leaflet we use the term ‘carer’. When we use the word carer, we mean everyone who is involved with and gives support to another person, whether they live with the person or not.

A carer could be a spouse or partner, a relative (such as a parent, child or sibling) or a close friend or neighbour. What all carers have in common is wanting to help the person they care for to be safe and as well as possible.

Valuing carers

AWP is committed to carers being fully involved and supported. We recognise that including carers benefits staff, carers and service users alike. After all, you see the person day in and day out so know the ‘well’ person’s’ personality. You will see those subtle behaviour changes and are likely to be the first person to see a crisis developing.

Confidentiality and information sharing

We may not always receive consent from the service user to share things with you, but we always have consent to listen to you.

Carers can understandably find it frustrating when they would like to know more about the support the person they care for is receiving, and they are refused information.There may be some things that the person you care for does not wish for us to share or involve you with. Where this is the case, we will be open about this with you and offer support by other means.

We encourage all our carers to ask questions and build relationships with us. Please do not see the fact that we are unable to share specific information with you about the person you care for as a complete barrier.

There may also be times when we have to share information about the person you care for with other services because of our legal duty to keep the person, or others around them, safe from harm. This would be a last choice for us, and would only be done in those very specific circumstances. Safeguarding our service users is a fundamental part of service user safety and wellbeing.

Carers Cafes are a great way to connect with other carers to share experiences and receive or offer support.

There are a number of cafes throughout Hampshire. For an up to date list, please ask a member of our team, or contact Carers Together on 01794 519495.

For advice and support about caring for someone with mental health needs please telephone NHS 111 and press option 2 to speak with a Mental Health Practitioner.

Carers Active Listening Line is a Helpline for carers to speak to someone in confidence about any caring issues they may have.

Tel: 08000 323456. Available 365 days a year.

Monday-Friday: 10.00am-8.00pm

Bank Holidays & Weekends: 10.00am-4.00pm

AWP Carers Packs

Carers packs are available on our website here and useful resources can be found here.

Alternatively please ask one of our team for a copy.

Carers Together Hampshire

Carers Together Hampshire is a local charity that supports all unpaid carers, including young carers and young adult carers. They help carers to access services, information, education and training, respite and breaks from their caring role.

Tel: 01794 519495

For more information visit their website: www.carerstogether.org.uk

Carers Assessments

All carers have the right to support through a free carers needs assessment carried out by their local council.

This will look at the support you need, whether you are able and willing to keep on caring and things that you want to be able to do in your daily life.  They will then work out a plan and provide information and signposting to make sure your needs are met.

A Carers assessment can be carried out over the phone or face to face.

To arrange a Carers Assessment, please call: 0300 555 1386.

Contact us

Mental Health Liaison Team, Salisbury District Hospital, 01722 336262 extension 5342

Team Manager: Gary Buckley

We are available between:

8am – 9pm Monday to Wednesday

8am – Midnight Thursday to Sunday

BSL Video Relay

www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.

For information on Trust services visit www.awp.nhs.uk


To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Tel: 01225 362 900

Freephone: 0800 073 1778

Email:  awp.pals@nhs.net

Other languages and formats

If you need this information in another language or format (such as large print, audio, Braille), please call the PALS number.

Lead: Mental Health Liaison Nurse Wiltshire MHL

Leaflet code: 095I AWP

Approved: May 2024
Next review due: May 2027