What is the Mellow Bumps group?

The perinatal period includes pregnancy (the antenatal period) and up to a year after birth (the postnatal period).

This group is an online group, led by the nursery nurses within the perinatal team. It is designed to support women who are experiencing mental health problems during the antenatal period.

We invite up to six women who are being supported by the BSW Perinatal Team at around 20 weeks gestation, to join the group.

The first 1001 days after conception are a critical time for babies. It can also be a really tough time for parents-to-be and can have a big impact on their mental health. Many things can contribute including history of mental health problems, family history of mental health problems, lack of support and a previous traumatic pregnancy or birth.

The group will help reduce the stress levels of parents-to-be in pregnancy, improve their wellbeing and help them build a relationship with their baby before birth.

I am interested – how do I join the group?

Please ask your care coordinator to let your area nursery nurse know you are interested. They will then contact you to arrange a virtual or face-to-face appointment to discuss whether the group will be suitable for you. If so, and you would  like to attend, the nursery nurse will agree a start date with you.

How often will I need to attend the group?

The group is made up of five sessions which will be delivered via Microsoft Teams. Each session takes place weekly on a Monday afternoon at 1pm and will last for around 1.5 hours, with space for a break.

What subjects will be covered?

Session 1: Introduction to Mellow Bumps - understanding baby development and your role in play.
Session 2: Health and Wellbeing in Pregnancy - including nutrition, exercise and relaxation.
Session 3: Supporting Brain Development - looking at how positive interactions can help to ‘build’ your baby’s brain.
Session 4: Baby Talk - understanding your baby’s ‘language’ by reading their verbal and non-verbal cues.

Session 5: Good Enough Parenting - thinking about your baby and looking at different parenting styles.

How do I join the group on the day?

Each week before the group, you will receive a Microsoft Teams link via your email. If you do not get a link, please contact the Perinatal Team before the group starts, so we can resend this to you.

Whilst many of us are now used to accessing online services,  we encourage everyone to join five minutes early in case of any technical difficulties. 

What if I can’t attend all five sessions?

If you know you cannot attend all five sessions, please speak to your nursery nurse in advance. We can then  make a personalised care plan with you, possibly with a separate catch up session.

If you are unable to attend at short notice (e.g. less than 24 hours) please contact the Perinatal Team ASAP. If you miss more than two sessions, it may be difficult for you to continue the group. We try to be flexible though, so please just keep talking to your care coordinator and nursery nurse if you have any difficulties attending.


For more, further information about the Mellow Bumps Group, please contact Jessica Woods, Georgie Macleod or Tash Kays on: 01249 767851 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

BSL Video Relay

www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.

For information on Trust services visit www.awp.nhs.uk


To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Tel: 01225 362 900

Freephone: 0800 073 1778

Email:  awp.pals@nhs.net

Other languages and formats

Please contact us if you need this information in another language or format (such as large print, audio, Braille).

Lead: BSW Specialist Perinatal Community Mental Health Service
Leaflet code: 063 AWP
Approved July 2023
Next review due: July 2026