What is the emotional coping skills group?

The emotional coping skills group is a primary care intervention that is offered by the Complex Emotional Needs service in BaNES Swindon and Wiltshire.

Who is the group for?

The group is for people who have difficulties coping with strong emotions which are impacting on their lives.

All of us have emotions, which at times may be painful. Sometimes people struggle to tolerate painful emotions and may try to avoid or lessen these emotions. To cope, people may at times engage in behaviours that may be self destructive.

How can I join the group?

You will be referred to the Complex Emotional Needs Service by the Primary Care Liaison Service (PCLS).

Before attending, we will offer you  what we call ‘formulation’ sessions with one of our clinicians. These are to help develop a shared understanding of your difficulties, and to work out  if the group will meet your needs.

If there is a group already running after we’ve  completed the formulation sessions, you will have to wait for the next group to start.

If we don’t  think the group will meet your needs, your clinician will explore and discuss other services / interventions that may be more helpful for you.

What does the group involve?

The group involves developing an understanding of our emotions and how they  relate to thoughts, physical sensations and behaviours; and how this may affect how we interact with other people.

We  cover skills across three modules (topics):

  1. Emotional regulation
  2. Distress tolerance
  3. Interpersonal effectiveness

The group also explores the ideas of mindfulness, validation (recognising and making sense of our feelings) and problem solving.

The skills taught are taken from Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches. These  have been shown  to help people with  difficulties managing strong emotions.

How long does the group last?

The group runs for 10 weeks. Each session lasts for two hours with a 15 minute break half way through.

Where does the group take place?

The group is currently run online via MS Teams. The clinician you meet with will give you details of how to access the group.

How many people will be at the group?

There will be about 15 participants on every group. They will be the same for the entire 10 weeks.

Two members of our team  will facilitate the group. Sometimes trainees may observe to learn to become a facilitators. We will tell you  if there are any trainees observing at the start of the first session.

What will be expected of me?

We will encourage you to take part  in group discussions, although you will never be put on the spot to speak.

To benefit, it is important to  attend all 10 sessions. If you miss two or more sessions we will ask you to stop the course. If for any reason, you can’t  attend a session, please contact the team.

What happens after the group has finished?

You will have the option to attend a ‘follow up’ group. This takes place every
month for six months.

After the follow up group, you  will be discharged from the service.

If you choose not to attend the follow up group you will be discharged after your end point review.

Useful resources



Primary Care Complex Emotional Needs (CEN) Service, Bath NHS House, Coombe Park, Bath, BA1 3QE

Tel: 01793 327900


BSL Video Relay

www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.

For information on Trust services visit https://www.awp.nhs.uk/


To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Freephone: 0800 073 1778

Email:  awp.pals@nhs.net

Other languages and formats

Please ask if you need this information in another language or format (such as large print, audio).

Lead: BSW Primary Care Complex Emotional Needs Pathway Lead
Leaflet code: 097 AWP

Approved March 2024
Next review due: March 2027