What is the Crisis Team?

If you experience a severe mental health crisis, the team can provide care and support at home. Before the Crisis Team was available, this type of crisis would usually have resulted in a hospital admission.

Who are we?

We are a team of mental health workers with a broad range of skills and experience.

What do we do?

Our aim is to work closely and effectively with you and anyone caring for you.

We will:

  • Work out possible reasons for your difficulties
  • Find the best ways to recover and stay well
  • Agree the frequency of contact with you and family/carers and change this in response to individual need and urgent concerns
  • Remain hopeful that change can happen for you and your family.

What happens when someone is referred to us?

A senior member of clinical staff will contact you on the day to discuss your situation. We may arrange to visit you, or we may refer you to another service, or we may refer you back to your GP.

What do we offer?

  • Support to help you stay safe
  • Help to recognise possible early signs of distress, and to find ways of dealing with these Practical support to help you to develop ways of coping, such as anxiety management and relaxation 
  • Advice about medication
  • Support to help you feel less isolated and to get involved in activities and groups of your choice
  • Practical help with daily living such as help with benefits, housing, budgeting, shopping, and childcare advice
  • If you are admitted to hospital and it is indicated, we will support you in getting home as soon as possible
  • Support and information for carers and families on aspects of mental health treatments and local support networks

How long do we provide support?

Our service is short term, often between four and six weeks.

Your Named worker is: ………………………………………………

Your Co-worker is: ….……………………………………………


If you, or the person you care for needs someone to speak up for you and your rights, or to help you to speak for yourself, you can contact:

Bristol Minds Volunteers Advocates

Telephone: 01179800376

Email: advocacy@bristolmind.org.uk

How can I contact the Team?

You can contact us on this number: 0117 3547257

Outside of normal office hours (Mon-Fri 8am - 10pm), your phone call will be diverted to our Crisis line.

Urgent /emergency number

If your call is urgent, a member of staff can be contacted immediately on this number: 0300 5550334

In case of medical emergencies, dial 999.


Team Manager Central Crisis Team, Brookland Hall, Conduit Place, St Werbughs, Bristol, BS2 9RU.

BSL Video Relay

www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.

For information on Trust services visit www.awp.nhs.uk


To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Tel: 01225 362 900

Freephone: 0800 073 1778

Email:  awp.pals@nhs.net

Other languages and formats

If you need this information in another format (such as large print, Easy Read), please call
the PALS number.

For information in other languages, audio and ‘read aloud’, please click on the Recite Me button at the top of our website Recite Me.PNG

Lead:Senior practitioner Bristol central

Leaflet code: 039BEC AWP

Last reviewed: 2021
Next review due: 2024