Pregnancy and parenthood can be a time full of mixed emotions. Some people are more likely to experience mental health challenges, which may mean they need more support during this time.
About the perinatal mental health team
“Perinatal” is the term used to describe the period of time leading up to the birth of a baby, and the postnatal phase after the birth. We are a specialist team for people who are struggling with their mental health during this period.
Our team is made up of registered mental health practitioners, mental health support workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, parent infant therapists, nursery nurses, a pharmacist and specialist psychiatrists (medical doctors specialising in mental health).
Where do we cover?
We cover BANES, Swindon & Wiltshire (those with a GP in this catchment area). Our service runs on Monday to Friday 9-5pm
Who do we work with?
You may have longstanding mental health difficulties (including diagnoses such as bipolar disorder, psychosis, eating disorders, OCD, severe anxiety) or may be experiencing mental health difficulties for the first time during the pregnancy or after the birth.
How you can be referred
Professionals (such as midwives, GPs, health visitors, care co-ordinators, voluntary sector organisations and social care) can refer you to our service. We will work together with them to ensure you are fully supported.
We accept referrals from 12 weeks of pregnancy, up until 9 months postnatally.
The referral will be reviewed by members of the team and we will contact you to discuss the best support for your needs.
What can we offer?
- We offer a specialist assessment to find out the best way to support you.
- Alongside a mental health practitioner, you will create an individualised care plan to meet your needs.
- We will regularly communicate with your maternity service to plan and support your perinatal mental health around the birth.
- Nursery nurse support (for practical guidance with your baby).
- Groups (for your wellbeing)
- Psychology (to help understand your mental health and plan therapies)
- Parent infant therapy (to support bonding with your baby)
- Occupational therapy (to support you to do more activities that are important to you)
- Specialist medical reviews
- Advice and guidance on medication in pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Peer support workers with lived experience of being supported by our team
- Signposting to other appropriate services, including carers and partners support
- Pre-pregnancy planning (for those who may benefit from a review of complex medications and risks)
What people say about our service
BANES, Swindon & Wiltshire (BSW) Specialist Community Perinatal Mental Health Service, Hathaway Medical Centre, Middlefield Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire,SN14 6GT
Tel. 01249 767851
BSL Video Relay and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.
For information on Trust services visit:
To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Tel: 01225 362 900
Freephone: 0800 073 1778
Email: awp
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Please let us know if you need this information in another language or in another way (such as large print, audio).
Lead: Clinical Psychologist
Leaflet code: 076 BSW AWP
Approved Feb 2023
Next review due: Feb 2026