
It is important that children maintain relationships with close family members.

Inpatient services are, however, not always an appropriate environment for children. That is why the Trust provides family rooms so that family visits can take place and be a more positive experience.

Our staff must ensure the wellbeing of children visiting inpatients, which is why the welfare of children takes priority.

Staff must take account of the following factors in deciding whether a visit can take place:

  • The wishes and feelings of the child
  • The reaction of the child to the patient or the patient’s mental illness
  • The patient’s history and family situation
  • The experience of previous visits
  • The patient’s mental state at the time of
  • the visit (which may differ from an assessment made immediately prior to, or after admission)
  • The views of those with parental responsibility
  • Whether an appropriate adult can supervise the visits
  • What is happening in the unit at the time of the visit and the wellbeing of all patients
  • Access to appropriate alternative settings for contact with the child.

The Child’s welfare takes priority

Legally a child’s welfare comes first and decisions must be based only on meeting their needs. The Trust has a duty of care to safeguard children.

Usually contact between a child and an adult, in particular a parent, is important for family life and good relationships. This usually benefits both child and parent.

Where adult contact is in the child’s best interests and where meeting outside the inpatient setting is impractical, we will do our best to facilitate the visit within the inpatient setting.

However, a child’s visit to an adult inpatient unit can only be taken if such a visit is assessed at the time as being in the child’s best interests, irrespective of the patient or parent’s wishes.

When you arrive

  • Please speak to one of the ward staff so they can tell you where you can meet your relatives and friends. This will normally be in the specified family visiting room
  • You will be asked to sign in and out of the ward so that the ward staff know who is on the ward
  • If you have a young child, it might be helpful to bring a quiet toy for them to play with, some books and some food and drink for them
  • Please remember that the children remain your responsibility throughout the visit and they should not be left with anyone else or disturb other patients
  • If your child becomes upset, please take them off the ward so that other patients are not disturbed.
  • There may be occasions when we have to refuse a visit. This could be due to the current atmosphere on the ward and or the behavior and needs of other patients.

References and guidance

Information about visiting should be explained to children and young people in a way that they are able to understand.

We do all we can to help children and young people stay in contact with friends and family and to offer privacy that allows that to happen.

Environments that are friendly to children and young people are provided where necessary.

The Trust has clear policy and procedure on children who visit adult mental health inpatient facilities.

Further information on the Trust’s procedure for Children visiting adult mental health inpatient facilities is available from the nurse in charge.

There is also further guidance available from the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the visiting of Psychiatric Patients by Children (1999) and Patients as Parents (2002).


Trust Safeguarding Team 0117 3784578

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www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.

For information on Trust services visit https://www.awp.nhs.uk/


To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Tel: 01225 362 900

Freephone: 0800 073 1778

Email: awp.pals@nhs.net

Other languages and formats

If you need this information in another format (such as large print, Easy Read), please call the PALS number.

For information in other languages, audio and ‘read aloud’, please click on the Recite Me button at the top of our website Recite Me.PNG

Lead: Safeguarding

Leaflet code: 099 AWP

Last reviewed: 2022

Next review due: 2025