What is the Problem Solving Group?

The Problem Solving Group (or PSG) is a skills based therapeutic group for people who identify with difficulties around emotion regulation, distress tolerance, difficulties with relationships and for those who may hurt themselves at times as a way to cope with difficult and/or strong feelings.

It can be helpful for people who may have a diagnosis or difficulties associated with a personality disorder. But you do not have to have a formal diagnosis.

Problem Solving Group or PSG is the group part of Structured Clinical Management (SCM). If you have completed the first stages of SCM, then this group might be the next step.

How can PSG help?

PSG is a place where you can learn some useful skills for dealing with life problems that you experience.

You can learn from fellow group members, share each other’s ideas, and develop your self-understanding, whilst supporting each other. It can be helpful to be around others who may experience similar difficulties.

Being with others in similar situations can help you feel less alone and can give a sense of belonging or that “we are all in this together” and “here for each other”. This bond is often one of the most useful factors of being part of a therapeutic group.

How does the group run?

The Group takes place each week for an hour and a half at your local NHS base.

There is a break half way through giving time to socialise with other group members. Two staff facilitators run the group.

There are four modules each exploring different skills with a break in between each one. You will receive a timetable with exact timings.

  • Module 1 – Problem-solving, mindfulness and  mentalising
  • Module 2 – Tolerance of emotions and mood management
  • Module 3 – Impulsivity, self-harm and suicidality
  • Module 4 – Enhancing relationships and mentalising attachment

Everything in the group is kept confidential and the facilitators are there to support everyone.

What am I expected to do?

We ask that you commit to attending weekly to make the most of the group and to be there for others in the group. Between sessions, we ask you to practice the problem solving skills you have learnt in the group.

What if I feel nervous about group work?

It is natural to feel nervous about meeting a group of new people and talking with them about your problems. Group work can be challenging. You may take an immediate dislike to someone in the group, or find that they are too distant, distressed, talkative or critical of others. This is only natural and tends to represent what happens in our lives. People are different after all.

But the group is there so you can practice these life skills in a safe and playful way. You can then give these a go in the outside world to improve your everyday life. Many service users have given positive feedback about the group.

Contact us

For more information about the Problem Solving Group, please talk to your keyworker.

For further information on Trust services visit www.awp.nhs.uk.​​​​​​​ 


To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS):

Telephone: 01225 362900

Free phone: 0800 073 1778

Email: palsandcomplaints@awp.nhs.uk

Other languages and formats

If you need this information in another language or format (such as large print, audio, Braille), please call the PALS number.

Lead: Senior Lived Experience Practitioner Complex Emotional Needs service BNSSG

Leaflet code: 140 AWP

Approved: March 2025

Review due: March 2028