Purpose of this guide
This guide aims to help service users and carers understand the Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner (MHWP) role.
What is an MHWP?
MHWP are trained to deliver evidence based Low-Intensity psychological interventions based on a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach.
What is CBT?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy. It is based on the theory that your thoughts, feelings and behaviours are interconnected. The interventions aim to identify unhelpful cycles by changing the way we think and behave. In turn, this can positively influence our feelings.
Why have I been referred?
You will have been referred by a member of your mental health team. This referral should have been discussed with you first to gain your consent.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner interventions are not aimed at treating any particular diagnosis.
What can MHWPs support with?
MHWPs offer a range of 10 – 15 sessions of an intervention, based on individual need – these are primarily face-to-face but can be offered online or over the telephone. Sessions can occur both at the team’s clinical base or in the community – including in your home, if preferred. These are goal-focused interventions that are aimed at working on current issues you may have that are related to your mental health – for example, improving sleep, building confidence, developing problem-solving skills, and recognising and managing emotions.
For more information on the interventions available, please speak to your MHWP.
What can I expect at my first session?
- The first session is an assessment session. It gives a safe and non-judgmental space for you to discuss issues that are affecting your mental health. We will ask some questions about your safety.
- If possible, please arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment time.
- You are welcome to bring along a trusted friend or family member for support.
- The session is 60 minutes long but if more time is needed, another session will be arranged.
- After the assessment session(s), the MHWP will let you know whether they feel that one of the interventions they provide is suitable for you at this time.
Expectations for intervention
To get the most out of the intervention sessions, you will be required to complete some tasks at home between sessions.
These will help you apply the skills you have learned in sessions to real-life situations.
Other formats such as large print, Easy Read, audio can be made available, if needed.
Confidentiality Policy
Sessions are confidential between you, the MHWP and the service they work in. Written notes may be taken during the assessment but these will be written up electronically and any paper copies destroyed.
Confidentiality would only be broken if the MHWP felt that you or someone else were at serious risk of harm. In this instance, they may need to involve other appropriate professionals. Where possible, the MHWP would seek your consent to do this.
For more information on our confidentiality policy, visit the AWP website at: https://www.awp.nhs.uk/
Other languages and formats
If you need an interpreter or information in another language or format (large print, Easy Read), please let your MHWP know before your first appointment, so that arrangements can be made to support you during the session.
For information in other languages, audio and ‘read aloud’, please click on the Recite Me button at the top of our website
BSL Video Relay
www.awp.nhs.uk/bslcontactus and ask for our number; or for switchboard 01225 731731 to connect you.
For information on Trust services visit https://www.awp.nhs.uk/
To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Tel: 01225 362 900
Freephone: 0800 073 1778
Email: awp
Lead: Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner (MHWP)
Leaflet code:126 AWP
Last reviewed: April 2024
Next review due: April 2026