We will have regular conversations with you about sharing your information with other people.
How to review or change what’s being shared
- If you want to change your consent to share information you can tell a member of staff.
- You can let us know what information you would like us to share with others (family,
friends, carers and other organisations). - You can let us know what information you do not want to share.
AWP professionals won’t share your information with any of your family, friends, or carers unless you say they can, providing there is no legal reason or safeguarding risk.
How we contact you
Everyone will automatically receive letters in the post from AWP.
AWP may contact you by phone,text or email with your consent. This may be about your care or your appointments.
You may opt in or out of text or email communication at any time.
To change your preferences, please get in touch with your team.
Personal Wellbeing Plan
In our experience, most people living with or recovering from a mental health difficulty will benefit from support from their family and friends.
We will talk openly together to promote a partnership between you, your friends or
family and staff.
There will probably be some aspects of life, care and treatment that you are willing to share and others that you are not.
We will record our conversations in a document called a Personal Wellbeing Plan (PWP).
The most recent version of your PWP will be shared with you and where agreed with the person who supports you. If you want to change what has been written in your PWP please speak to a member of staff.
In some cases, people don’t have mental capacity to make decisions about who they share information with. In these situations, if it is in the person’s best interest, we will sometimes share information without consent.
Team around you
The team around the person approach means we will work really closely with everyone so wecan provide better support. We will make sure everyone is working towards helping you achieve what matters most to you.
We will speak to you regularly about sharing your information with people who support you and with other services; and we will record your wishes.
We may share your information with these services
- Other NHS Trusts;
- Commissioning support groups;
- Your general practitioner;
- Ambulance services;
- Social services;
- Relevant support charities;
- Police / Court officials
Summary Care Record
Summary Care Record (SCR) is an electronic record which holds important information about your health and wellbeing. This is created by your GP records and is able to be viewed by authorised staff.
The personal information held on this record includes
- Name, address, date of birth;
- Allergies;
- Current prescription;
- Past medical history.
Everyone must give consent for staff involved in their care to view their SCR.You can consent for your care giver to access your SCR throughout your care or at a particular time.
If you are registered with a GP, you will automatically have a SCR unless you have previously opted out. If you wish to opt out of this process, please contact your GP.
Shared Care Records
Shared Care Record means that key parts of your information is available to everyone directly involved in your care.
This means that GPs, hospitals, community health, mental health and social care teams are able to see your information.This will mean you will only have to tell your story once.
For more information including how to opt out or back into Shared Care Records:
North Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire
Web: www.bnssghealthiertogether.org.uk/connecting-care/
Phone the Customer Services Team on: 0800 073 0907 or 0117 900 2655
Email: bnssg
Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire
Web: www.bsw.icb.nhs.uk/your-health/your-care-record/
Email: bswicb
Post: BSW ICR Team, BSW ICB, Jenner House, Unit E3,Langley Park, Avon Way, Chippenham SN15 1GG
Everyone included
Research is vital to improve care, treatment and understanding of mental health conditions. AWP has a Research and Development (R&D) team who take an ‘everyone included’ approach. This means, based on your personal information, they may contact you to ask whether you would like to take part in research.
Once you have been contacted, you canchoose not to take part in the research.
On occasions, AWP may ask you for additional consent for the use and sharing of your personal information for activities that are not related to your personal care.
These occasions include:
- To invite you to Trust events;
- Any involvement projects or research you take part in;
- Use of audio or video recording for podcasts, training;
- Use of photograps for news articles or newsletters.
Additional consent
National Opt-Out
The national data opt-out was introduced on 25 May2018, enabling you to opt out from the use of your data for research or planning purposes.You can make or amend your choice of how your personal information is used by going to www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters or calling 0300 303 5678. You may change your preference at any time.
On Trust services visit www.awp.nhs.uk
To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Phone: 01225 362 900
Freephone: 0800 073 1778
Email: awp
BSL Video Relay: www.patientadviceandliaisonservice.signvideo.net
Other language and formats
Please contact PALS if you need this information in another language or another way (large print, audio)
Designed and co-produced by Naomi Hendricks, a Carer, and Chloe Sadler, a Service User
Lead: Patient and Carer Experience Team
Leaflet code: 130 AWP
Date: March 2024
Review due: March 2027