The stress of debt can be a major cause of mental health problems-or make things worse.

The Breathing Space debt respite scheme aims to remove debt as a burden until recovery has taken place.

Who is entitled to help?

Any person with debt problems who is receiving a specialist mental health service.

How can someone get this help?

A Care Co-ordinator can ask for a referral to be made by an Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP). The person must consent, but, if they do not have capacity to consent, then a referral can be made on their behalf in their “best interests”.

How is a referral made?

The AMHP fills out an evidence form, and certifies that the service user is receiving mental health treatment.

What’s on the form?

Information about the person, and, if possible, some information about their debts.

Where does the form go?

To an appointed debt adviser, who will contact the creditors.

What happens then?

Payments and interest build up will stop completely until the service user has recovered their mental health.

Who helps while the scheme is running?

The main person who helps will be a ‘nominated point of contact’ – normally the Care Co-ordinator or a Mental Health Nurse.

This person will be told when the scheme starts, and must provide any information the debt adviser asks for.

If this person changes, then the new Care Co-ordinator or nurse is the new point of contact. The debt adviser must be told of the change.

How long will the scheme last?

Until the end of the person’s treatment, and then continues for another 30 days.

Can someone use the scheme more than once?

Yes, as many times as needed.

What happens next?

Breathing Space graphic.PNG


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Lead: Nursing & Quality admin

Leaflet code: 093 AWP 

Approved: Dec 2022
Next review due: Dec 2025