Here you can find lots of useful information to support your mental health.

If you have been given a diagnosis, or want to know more about a mental health condition, you can find more information here.

To understand more about some of the conditions and difficulties we can help with, AWP has a helpful leaflet library that you can view online or download from. The leaflet library is available here.

To access a range of evidence based leaflets for patients and carers on mental health conditions, treatments and medicines and AWP's own leaflet library, click here.

You can access resources through the SilverCloud website to help with difficulties such as stress, low mood, anxiety and some long-term physical health conditions. This is an online CBT programme with secure access from a computer, tablet or mobile phone with a login. This is offered to suitable clients as part of a Talking Therapies assessment.  Please contact the Talking Therapy service if you have any questions about SilverCloud. 

There are many books that can help you with your difficulties on the Reading Well website where books are listed by category to help you find the right material for the difficulty you are experiencing.

A series of useful self-help videos are available on our YouTube channel. You can view the playlist here.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) offers advice and support on how to access different kinds of therapy.

  • The Bristol Sanctuary, which is run by St Mungo's is a welcoming safe space available for anyone feeling they can’t cope or are feeling desperate over the weekends. 

  • The Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) – This Australian organisation offers free self-help resources for adults suffering from anxiety, mood and eating disorders.

  • Every Mind Matters – NHS site with advice and help on looking after your mental health.
  • CEDAR (Clinical Education, Development and Research) at University of Exeter workbooks – Downloadable IAPT workbooks and manuals.
  • Get Self-Help – CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) techniques and information with downloadable worksheets and lots of information on a range of disorders.
  • Living Life to the Full – A free online CBT interactive programme for people diagnosed with anxiety and depression.
  • Mental Health Foundation – Useful information and support around mental health.
  • Mood Gym – A useful anxiety and depression resource, adapted especially for young people aged 16 to 25 years.
  • No More Panic – Information for people with panic, anxiety, phobias and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) difficulties.
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists – Useful factsheets on a wide range of mental health problems.
  • Triumph Over Phobias – Charity set up for people who suffer from phobias and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).
  • Wiltshire Service Directory – Database of all Health and Social Care support services and clubs/societies run by Wiltshire Council.
  • Health apps to support you with your wellbeing - Apps to support your healthy living.

Perinatal refers to the period of time that starts from pregnancy up until two years after the baby has been born. Perinatal difficulties can affect individuals with parental responsibilities, which could include one of the following roles:

  • birth parent
  • child’s other parent
  • adopted or foster parents
  • the partner of a parent

The resources below will help explain the support available to you. You can then refer yourself to our services for more support by booking an appointment.

  • Mothers for Mothers – Charity offering support and advice for any worries or concerns.
  • Bluebell Care – Charity offering support to help families manage their mental health and wellbeing during pregnancy and after birth.
  • PANDAS – Charity support service for families and their networks who may be suffering with perinatal mental illness, including prenatal (antenatal) and postnatal depression.
  • Dads In Mind – Charity for new fathers who are experiencing low mood, anxiety, or are supporting a partner with mental health difficulties.
  • Tommy’s Charity Wellbeing in pregnancy plan – Free wellbeing plan to help you consider what support you might need for your mental health during pregnancy.
  • Miscarriage Association – Charity providing support and information for people who have experienced miscarriage.
  • British Pregnancy Advisory Service – Charity providing information and support for women who would like to know more about their pregnancy options, including support for ending unwanted pregnancies.

You can access any of our services by completing an online form to book an appointment.

To talk to us by phone, you can use InterpreterNow which involves an online BSL (British Sign Language) interpreter. Using a smartphone, tablet or computer, you can download the InterpreterNow app, or go to the InterpreterNow website and connect to an interpreter. Find out more here and sign up for an interpreter here.

We recommend accessing the following resources if you are a deaf person, or care for someone with hearing problems:

  • Deaf 4 Deaf – Deaf mental health counsellors and psychotherapists offer online counselling in BSL.
  • Sign Health – Charity working to improve the health and wellbeing of deaf people and provide BSL videos on wellbeing, stress, anxiety, depression and more. 
  • Woman Kind – Charity offering free counselling for deaf and hard-of-hearing women in BSL, sign-supported English and English.

Starting college or university can be a stressful experience. If you are a student who feels unhappy and that feeling isn't going away or you feel you can no longer cope, don’t keep it a secret; sharing your problem is the right step towards finding help.

Telling someone how you feel, whether it is a friend, counsellor or doctor, might immediately help. Many colleges and most universities have a free and confidential in-house counselling service, with professionally qualified counsellors and psychotherapists.

The online resources listed below may also help:

Ageing can bring its own difficulties with feelings of loss, isolation, loneliness, health concerns, sleep difficulties, low mood and anxiety.  To help you manage these difficulties, we are here to provide support, advice and suggestions.

You can find helpful advice and resources below:

  • Age UK – Features health and wellbeing advice, support lines and local events to support older adults.
  • Mental Health Foundation – Provides resources including information about specific issues that may affect older adults and their mental health.
  • The Silver Line – Free and confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
  • Independent Age – Charity supporting older adults to lead fulfilling lives. Provides a variety of resources about mental health in older adults.

*While we understand that using the term ‘Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic’ (‘BAME’) can be problematic, our intention is to use this terminology to refer to tackling the challenge of racial disparities based on colour, and disadvantage and discrimination on the basis of ethnic difference.

Experiences of mental health problems are unique to every individual and might sometimes reflect a person’s culture or set of beliefs. We want to change this in any way we can; for example, if you tell us that language is a barrier to accessing support, we can arrange to work with an interpreter service so their interpreter can attend an appointment with you.

We also recommend the following resources:

  • BAME and Mental Health – Information on how race and diversity can affect mental health.
  • Nilaari – Bristol-based black, Asian and minority-led charity offering information, support and talking therapies to people from all communities.
  • Stand Against Racism and Inequality (SARI) – Bristol-based charity providing support and education around diversity and racism.

A series of videos is available in different languages for asylum-seeking people and refugees who would like to know how to access mental health support following truma. You can view the videos on our YouTube channel here.

We offer a non-judgmental service and treat everyone who accesses our service with equality and dignity. Please book an appointment or look at the resources listed below for further support and information.  

  • Mind – Information about mental health support for people who identify as LGBTQI+.
  • Off The Record (OTR) – For young people aged 13 to 25 who identify as LGBTQI+, OTR provides weekly support groups as well as other information.
  • Rethink Mental Illness – Information and useful resources on looking after your mental health when you identify as LGBTQI+.

  • Andy’s Man Club – A free weekly support group for men to discuss their mental health, named in memory of Andy Roberts, a young man who took his own life.
  • CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) – Charity campaigning against suicide, especially in men, with a helpline and webchat.
  • Male Survivors Partnership (MSP) – A network of organisations providing links to national and local support services for male survivors of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation.
  • Man Up – Useful resources encouraging men not to be afraid of speaking up about their mental health and suicidal feelings.
  • Mankind – Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK, also supporting their friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues and employers.
  • Men’s Health Forum – Helpful information and statistics about men’s mental health and suicide prevention.
  • Movember – This charity encourages men to grow a moustache during November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, featuring useful information about mental health and suicide prevention