What is the Accessible Information Standard?
The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) is a law to make sure people who have a communication need due to a disability, impairment or sensory loss, to receive information in a way they can use and understand; and that they receive support to communicate.
Who does the AIS apply to?
The AIS applies to all NHS and social care organisations. It applies to patients and carers and includes people who:
- are deaf, blind and deaf blind;
- have a hearing loss or visual impairment;
- have a reading difficulty such as dyslexia;
- have a learning disability;
- have dementia;
- have autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
In AWP, we also apply the AIS to people who speak little or no English.
What does AWP have to do to meet the AIS?
The Accessible Information Standard means we have a legal duty to do five things:
- ASK people whether they have any communication and information
needs when they first have contact with our services. - RECORD communication and information needs in a consistent way.
3. FLAG any communication and information needs on the patient’s record so that
all staff can quickly and easily see that someone has a need which needs to be met.
4. SHARE communication and information needs when we refer to another team or service.
5. ACT to make sure communication and information needs are met.
Our staff are committed to meeting the Accessible Information Standard

If you have any problems, questions or want to give feedback about how well we are meeting the AIS in our Trust, please talk to your care co-ordinator or contact our Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALs)