Bath and North East Somerset
How to refer yourself to BaNES Talking Therapies
You can refer yourself to our team by completing our online BaNES self-referral form. If you are completing the form on behalf of someone, please gain their consent beforehand. If you cannot complete our online form you can refer yourself by calling 01225 675150 or by emailing awp
Phone lines are open: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm excluding public holidays. Please leave a voicemail during busy periods.
There is some limited availability for evening therapy appointments.
To use our service, you must be registered to a BaNES GP. If you are not registered to a BaNES GP surgery, please head to the NHS Talking Therapies Finder, where you can search for your nearest Talking Therapies service.
Before your appointment
During your appointment with the service, you will be asked to complete some standard questionnaires. The questionnaires ask you to rate how often you have experienced common symptoms of depression and anxiety over the past two weeks. There are also some additional questions about areas of your life that are affected by any symptoms such as work, hobbies or relationships.
We email these to you approximately 24-48 hours before your session so that you can complete them online in advance of your session. You can find the questionnaire here.
To find out more about the information we collect and what we do to keep it safe and confidential, please see our details on ‘privacy and confidentiality’ below, as well as the ‘how we use your information’ section on the home page.
Your first appointment
An assessment appointment with Talking Therapies will last up to 45 minutes and is usually over the telephone. However if accessing an assessment via telephone is difficult for you, we will work with you to find a suitable alternative such as a video or face-to-face appointment.
During the assessment, the practitioner will share with you some information about our service and there will be an opportunity for you to discuss your reasons for accessing our service. You and the practitioner will then work together to discuss possible options and make a plan based on your discussion.
If you have not completed them beforehand, you will also be asked to complete some questionnaires in the session (see above). It is essential that these are completed for each attended session as they help us understand your difficulties, as well as consider the best treatment or advice for you.
If you have any more one-to-one appointments in future, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire each time to see how your thoughts and feelings have changed, and if any therapies we have suggested are working for you.
If you need further help, please contact us.
What can I do to prepare?
During your appointment, the practitioner will ask you some questions about your difficulties before discussing the best ways to support you. We want to help answer any questions or concerns you might have, so it is always helpful to make a list of these before you come along. It will also help you to think about what you want to achieve through using our services.
What happens next?
There are different options depending on what your main difficulties or goals are, and what is discussed in your session. Some of the options that might be considered include:
- A referral for an evidence-based treatment within the talking therapies service (this might include a course, one-to-one-treatment, or computer-based treatments).
- Using evidence-based self-help resources.
- If our services are not the best way to support you, we will make some suggestions about where to find the right support and advice, which might include signposting to another service.
- In some cases, we may refer you to another team for more intensive support to help you through your difficulties.
If it is agreed that one-to-one therapy or online guided self-help can support you with your problem and goals, you will be added to our waiting list. We are unable to give the exact time you will wait for your treatment to start. The practitioner can estimate how long our current waiting list is, however this is subject to change.
During your wait, the practitioner may give you some information to read, self-help material to work through or some links to other resources. Using these can be a helpful way to kick-start your therapy and begin working on some of your goals.
Should you feel that your symptoms are worsening whilst you wait, we would encourage you to discuss this with your GP.
Other information about appointments
- If you need to cancel an appointment, please do this at least 48 hours before your appointment date so we can offer the appointment time to someone else on our waiting list.
- If you miss a first appointment without informing us beforehand, you will have to book a new first appointment before you can access the service again.
- If you do not attend your first appointment without telling us beforehand, we will close your case. If you are in treatment and miss more than two appointments in a row then we will close your case so we can offer support to someone else on our waiting list.
- We follow the UK government’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy on protecting NHS staff from violence in whatever form it takes. This policy makes it clear that our professional team have the right to care for people without being attacked, abused or harassed by anyone. In line with this policy, we will report any incidents to our management or the police.
Please note that video and telephone treatments will be offered either via a therapist within our Talking Therapies services or from our partner services called Xyla Digital Therapy. They are held to the same standards as BSW Talking Therapies.
Privacy, confidentiality and information sharing:
To support the wellbeing of people who access Talking Therapies, it is important that we share some information with others who may be involved in your care and wellbeing.
- Talking Therapies will inform your GP that you are receiving support from our service.
- We will update your GP with your attendance and a brief summary of the outcome of your assessment or therapies with us.
- Occasionally, we may also liaise with other mental health services or agencies such as our safeguarding team to ensure you and others around you are safe and supported.
- Like any medical appointment, we will keep records of your attendance and include a summary of your progress. We will also look at the details in your completed pre-session questionnaire.
At the start of your assessment, the practitioner will advise you of our confidentiality statement and you are welcome to ask any questions about this.
Talking Therapies does not routinely share information with third parties such as family members, workplaces or other agencies unless we have your consent to do so. An exemption to this is young people under the age of 18, where we may need to share some information with a parent or guardian should we feel additional support around your safety and wellbeing is necessary. For more information, click here.
Our group courses and workshops take place online using video meeting software called Microsoft Teams.
If you are interested in attending one of our courses, you can self-refer to our service online or by calling 01225675150 to discuss this as a treatment option during your initial assessment.
To attend our online courses, you need a device with internet access. This can be a laptop, mobile phone or tablet with an internet browser so you can use Microsoft Teams. We will email you an invite with a link to join the session and will include details of how to use Microsoft Teams.
How we run our courses
We run a wide range of free courses and workshops to support people with different psychological and emotional difficulties.
To make them as accessible as possible, our courses run in the day or evening. They are usually short courses which can be up to 8 weeks in length.
We value everyone’s need to feel as comfortable and welcome as possible, so we encourage you to take part in discussions and ask questions only if you want to. There is no expectation to do anything or speak on your own if you feel uncomfortable to do so.