Are you having difficulties in work or struggling to find employment?

If you are accessing BaNES, Swindon or Wiltshire (BSW) Talking Therapies you will also have access to a specialist employability service which can support you to find work, remain in work, or return to work in a way that effectively supports you.

What is Talking Therapies Employment Support?

Whether it is finding work, staying in work or returning to work after a career break or long-term sickness, our employment advisers can offer impartial support alongside your therapy to help you address your practical work-related issues.

Who is it for?

Anyone accessing BSW Talking Therapies is able to request support from our Employment Adviser team.

What we offer?

The Talking Therapies employment team can help you with a range of work related matters, including:

  • Person-centred employment support.
  • Discussing and planning your return-to-work options after a period of absence.
  • Recognising and understanding your employment rights.
  • Supporting you to search for employment, education, and training opportunities.
  • Support and guidance with writing your CV or completing a job application.
  • Support with interview advice, guidance, and skills.
  • Helping you to effectively communicate your needs and concerns with your employer.
  • Developing your confidence in the workplace.
  • Advice on identifying reasonable adjustments at work.
  • Guidance around discussing mental health with your employer.
  • Signposting you to appropriate organisations to access additional advice and assistance.

How to access this support?

Speak to your therapist.