About us
Our team supports D/deaf and Deaf-blind people with mental health problems and who use British Sign Language (BSL) to communicate. We also support non-BSL users but only people for whom deafness is a key part of their presentation to mental health services.
We provide specialist assessment, therapy and consultation to deaf people with mental or emotional distress
We support carers and other professionals working with deaf people with mental health needs. We offer advice to colleagues around ‘reasonable adjustments’ under the Equality Act. The team work with D/deaf and deaf-blind people with diverse presentations including learning difficulties, autism and Serious Mental Illness.
If you, or someone you care for, are deaf and feel you need support from mental health services, you can access support/self refer to SignHealth The Deaf health charity - SignHealth or some NHS Talking therapies NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression - NHS (www.nhs.uk). You might also like to talk to your GP about mental health needs and discuss a referral to our service – your GP will need to make this referral.
You can find useful videos and information on our site from British Sign Language, including BSL Space, Interpreter Now and the Accessible Standard.

Meet the Team