Our specialist service is exclusively for adults who have ADHD or who are seeking a new ADHD diagnosis. We provide assessment, reassessment and treatment, taking into consideration the many areas in an adult’s life before an accurate ADHD diagnosis is made.
What we do
We provide diagnostic assessment and can also offer the following treatments for ADHD:
Medication for ADHD in line with national and international research into the condition.
Psycho-social interventions to help understand and master some of the ways ADHD affects you.
Peer support and skills group. This helps you meet other people with ADHD and learn techniques to help you manage the symptoms of ADHD in the real world.
Your assessment
Your assessment is usually carried out over a video call and lasts between two and three hours to help us fully understand your difficulties. If a face-to-face appointment is needed, you will usually be assessed in Bristol.
It is helpful to bring along a relative, friend or someone who knows you well to provide more information about your difficulties. They can also support you during the assessment which will involve gaining information about your background.
If you have previously been diagnosed with ADHD and are currently taking medication for the condition, your appointment will be shorter.
Following the assessment, a report will be sent out to yourself and your GP. If a diagnosis is made, we can offer treatment and further support.
To be referred to our services, you need to be registered with a GP in one of the following areas:
Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES)
North Somerset
South Gloucestershire
If you think you may have ADHD, you will need to see your GP or other health professional first before you can be referred to our services.
Health professionals can make a referral by contacting:
Email: awp
Phone: 01275 796262
The exponential growth in demand for ADHD assessment and treatment on a national level has led to huge demand on AWP’s ADHD service. This has resulted to a large backlog of admin processes and a delay in sending out acknowledgment letters. We apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Unfortunately, current wait times for triage and then assessment if indicated, are a number of years. We apologise for any distress caused by the delay in accessing the service. We are working with the Integrated Care Board, system partners and people with lived experience to take a collaborative approach to the complex challenges in the system.
If you have any queries around this or have any further questions please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 01225 362900 or awp
Need help fast?
If it is not a 999 emergency but you are experiencing an immediate mental health crisis, call 111, and select the mental health option.
If you live in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire you can also call our 24-hour helpline on 0800 953 1919.