Pregnancy and having a baby can be a difficult time for new parents who may be experiencing changes in mood. Perinatal mental health teams were set up after studies found that access to evidence-based specialist mental health care can significantly benefit mothers and their babies. Perinatal describes the period of time from conception to the infant’s first birthday.   

Our specialist service is available to women in the perinatal timeframe who:  

  • have previously experienced a serious mental illness and are planning to conceive. 

  • develop a serious mental illness in the perinatal period. 

  • have had a serious perinatal illness in a past pregnancy and are now pregnant.   

  • are already under the care of AWP when we may provide additional support. 

  • have been previously admitted to a mother and baby unit. 

  • display significant mental health difficulties during the perinatal period.  

The perinatal team offers assessment, signposting and treatment, working with women in community settings. We can also give advice to women who are taking significant medication for a mental illness and intend to become pregnant. 

It is important to get advice as soon as possible if you think you are pregnant or might become pregnant while taking sodium valproate.  

Who are we

The Ocean: Birth trauma and loss service are a small team of psychological therapists and specialist midwives working within BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW).

We work with women and birthing people who are experiencing significant mental health difficulties, directly related to their pregnancy or birth.  These are most likely to be:

  • Traumatic birth experiences
  • The loss of a baby for any reason (including miscarriage, stillbirth, termination and neonatal death)
  • Anxiety about pregnancy and or birth that may or may not be related to previous experiences (this is sometimes called tokophobia)
  • Although unfortunately we are not commissioned to work with partners we can offer an assessment to help find the best support

What do we do?

Triage:   After someone is referred to our service we initially decide whether we are the best people to offer them support or if another service might be more appropriate.  We work closely with the Perinatal Community Mental Health Team, Talking therapies teams across BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire and other specialist midwifery teams to make sure people get the right help.

Assessment:  If we think we might be able to offer a service we then offer an assessment with either one of our specialist midwives or psychological therapists to help us understand the difficulties you are experiencing and your identify your hopes and goals.

Treatment and support:  Depending on your needs we can offer one to one support or group support. In one to one work our specialist midwives offer a range of services to support you during your pregnancy, or help you understand what has happened after you have had your baby.  Our Psychological Therapist can work with you to process traumatic memories or help you learn some skills to manage your anxiety and sometimes we work together to do both of things. 

We also run short courses for pregnant women to help them to prepare by learning more about the physical aspects of pregnancy and birth and gaining some anxiety management skills in relation to managing their fears.

What area do we cover?

We offer a service to women or birthing age people who have a GP within BaNES, Swindon or Wiltshire.

Our specialist midwives are based in the main maternity hospitals and may contact you over the telephone, by video chat or in person whereas our psychological therapist work mainly by video appointment.

How can you contact us

You can ask a professional you know such as your GP, midwife or health visitor to refer you to us.

You can Tel: 01249 477399 or email

Who are we

The MaLT Service is a small team of psychological therapists and specialist midwives working within BNSSG- Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Similar to the Ocean service in Banes, Swindon & Wiltshire, we work with women and birthing people who are experiencing significant complex mental health difficulties, directly related to their pregnancy or birth. These are most likely to be:

Complex Traumatic birth experiences

The loss of a baby for any reason (including miscarriage, stillbirth, termination and neonatal death)

Anxiety about pregnancy and or birth that may or may not be related to previous experiences (this is sometimes called tokophobia.)

Although unfortunately we are not commissioned to work with partners we can offer during the assessment signposting to help find the best support

What do we do?

Brief Initial Assessment:   After someone is referred to our service we initially assess whether we are the best people to offer them support, or if another service might be more appropriate whom we would then refer you on to.  We work closely with the Perinatal Community Mental Health Team, Talking therapies teams across BNSSG who also have a perinatal pathway for birthing trauma.


If we think we might be able to offer a service we then offer an assessment with either one of our specialist midwives or psychological therapists to help us understand the difficulties you are experiencing and your identify your hopes and goals for treatment.

Treatment and support  

Depending on your needs we can offer one to one support or group support. In one to one work our specialist midwives offer a range of services to support you during your pregnancy, or help you understand what has happened after you have had your baby.  Our Psychological Therapist can work with you to process traumatic memories or help you learn some skills to manage your anxiety and sometimes we work together to do both of things. 

We also run short courses for women such as the Moving On After Trauma group (MOAT group) to support women to gain some understanding of how trauma works and gain anxiety management skills in relation to managing their fears.

Contact Us

Tel: 0117 354 6363

General Enquiries:


The BSW Perinatal team covers Swindon, BANES and Wiltshire and is a full Multidisciplinary team which includes Medical Staff, Nurses, Psychologists, Allied Professionals (OT and Social work), Care co-ordinators, Nursey nurses, Recovery workers, Peer support and an admin team.

Once you’re referred to us, we’ll review your situation and decide the best support for you. This may include an initial assessment with you, either over a video call or face to face at your home/other appropriate location.

As well as working closely with the OCEAN service and other AWP teams, we have strong links with several agencies in Health, Social Care and the Voluntary Sector and may recommend other services for you if we feel that you would benefit more from a different type of support.

We are passionate about being accessible to provide accurate and up to date information and advice to other professionals who work with people in the perinatal period and in seeing women for a review to look at the prevention of potential perinatal mental ill health when indicated.

Phone number 01249 767 851

The referrals email  

Admin email

Who are we

Our team is made up of registered mental health practitioners, mental health support workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, parent infant therapists, nursery nurses, a pharmacist and specialist psychiatrists (medical doctors specialising in mental health). We work with women and birthing people who live in the Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire area.

We work with women and birthing people who are experiencing significant complex mental health difficulties. You may have longstanding mental health difficulties (including diagnoses such as bipolar disorder, psychosis, eating disorders, OCD, severe anxiety) or may be experiencing mental health difficulties for the first time during the pregnancy or after the birth.

How can you be referred

If you are registered with a GP in the Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire area - professionals (such as midwives, GPs, health visitors, care co-ordinators, voluntary sector organisations and social care) can refer you to our service. We will work together with them to ensure you are fully supported.

We accept referrals from 12 weeks of pregnancy, up until 20 months postnatally.

The referral will be reviewed by members of the team and we will contact you to discuss the best support for your needs.

What can we offer?

We offer a specialist assessment to find out the best way to support you.

Alongside a mental health practitioner, you will create an individualised care plan to meet your needs.

We will regularly communicate with your maternity service to plan and support your perinatal mental health around the birth.

  • Nursery nurse support (for practical guidance with your baby).
  • Groups (for your wellbeing)
  • Psychology (to help understand your mental health and plan therapies)
  • Parent infant therapy (to support bonding with your baby)
  • Occupational therapy (to support you to do more activities that are important to you)
  • Specialist medical reviews
  • Advice and guidance on medication in pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Peer support workers with lived experience of being supported by our team
  • Signposting to other appropriate services, including carers and partners support
  • Pre-pregnancy planning (for those who may benefit from a review of complex medications and risks)

As well as working closely with maternity services and other AWP teams, we have strong links with several agencies in Health, Social Care and the Voluntary Sector and may recommend other services for you if we feel that you would benefit more from a different type of support.

We are passionate about being accessible to provide accurate and up to date information and advice to other professionals who work with people in the perinatal period and in seeing people for a review to look at the prevention of potential perinatal mental ill health when indicated.

Contact Us

Tel: 0117 919 5826



Referrals can be received from any professional. We cannot accept self-referrals, but we will help signpost and redirect you.   

Professionals can make a referral by using the contact information on this page. Please select the area based on where your patient’s GP is registered. 

Post Partum Psychosis Pathway