All enquiries (8am‒8pm)
Use our Interpreters Live BSL Video Relay service and ask for the number you require; or if not known; ask for Trust switchboard on 01225 731731.
This service is available daily from 8am – 8pm. For urgent help outside of these times, please contact NHS 111 (see below).
Need help fast (8pm‒8am)
If it is not a 999 emergency but you are experiencing an immediate mental health crisis, contact:
- NHS 111 Text relay - Call 18001 111 using the Relay UK app or a textphone. Find out how to use the Relay UK app or a textphone on the Relay UK website
- NHS 111 BSL Video Relay -
Emergency help
If you are at immediate risk of harm, call 999 via 999 BSL Video Relay Service (VRS) or download the '999 BSL' app to your phone to access a BSL video interpreter to contact any 999 service.