What we do

The CAMHS Safeguarding team works in partnership with other agencies, including police, social care and education, to ensure that all children and young people are cared for in a safe, secure and caring environment.

Any professional who works with children and young people has a duty to protect them from harm and promote their wellbeing.

The Safeguarding team aims to: 

  • protect you from maltreatment, such as neglect, harm or abuse.
  • prevent impairment of your health or development.
  • ensure you grow up in an environment that provides safe and effective care.
  • ensure processes are in place to learn from events.
  • ensure staff are safe to work with you.
  • deliver safeguarding training at all levels to all staff. 

How you can stop or report abuse

If you know someone is being abused and is in danger right now, call 999 immediately and report it to the police. The person on the call is trained to help you through the situation as calmly as possible.

If you or someone you know has been or is being abused in some way, you can call 101, which is the non-emergency number for the police.

You can talk to our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team in confidence about any concerns you might have about any abuse.

Always keep yourself and others safe. For immediate help, dial 999 and explain what’s happening. The person on the call is trained to help you through the situation as calmly as possible.

If you are concerned about the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person, it is important to let Children’s Services know as soon as possible. There is a different service in each area, covering Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.


0117 903 6444 

Website: bristol.gov.uk

Helpful guide here from Bristol City Council

South Gloucestershire 

01454 866000 ‐ Monday to Thursday 9:00-5:00 and Friday 9:00-4:30
01454 615165 ‐ Out of hours and at weekends

Website: southglos.gov.uk

North Somerset

01275 888808 - Monday to Thursday 8.45-5:00 - Friday 8:45-4:30

Website: nsscp.co.uk