AWP is committed to helping staff feel empowered to speak up about any concerns they may have about patient care.
We employ a team of Freedom To Speak Up ambassadors and a guardian who help staff find an alternative way to discuss and raise concerns. The team is impartial and independent, and their work has a direct impact on continuously improving safety and quality for our service users, carers and families.
Freedom To Speak Up guardians are employed across all NHS Trusts. The role was created following recommendations from Sir Robert Francis whose review outlined ways in which NHS organisations can create an open and honest reporting culture.
The network of Freedom to Speak Up ambassadors can also offer guidance and support to AWP staff, contractors, volunteers and students.
It is sometimes difficult to know what to do when you want to raise a concern. It is important to remember that we want you to feel comfortable raising concerns, and rest assured that your concerns will be taken seriously.
The National Guardian’s Office provides leadership, training and advice for Freedom to Speak Up Guardians based in all NHS trusts.
For more information or to report a concern you have, please contact:
Email: awp
Tel: 07545 649235