Publish date: 12 March 2025

A new ‘Hub’ for young carers is being launched to coincide with Young Carers Action Day 2025 (Wednesday 12 March, 2025).

The page on the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) website, provides an array of resources and useful information for young people across the district who care for someone.

Anyone who is under 18 and looks after one of their parents, a relative or a friend, could be a young carer, whether that’s with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem.

Young people can access the page here: Young Carers Hub.

The theme of this year’s Young Carers Action Day is Give Me A Break, and it focuses on the importance of rest and respite for young carers.

Sue Woodland, from the Patient and Carer Experience Team, said: “Creating this hub specifically for young carers is only the start and we hope that in time we can share more resource, stories and artwork to recognise and highlight the needs of young people that care. Caring for someone can be a lonely place to be, we hope that we can go some way to show young carers that they are not alone. If you have any ideas and would like to help develop the resource on our pages, please contact”

To mark the launch of the Hub, a new artwork was specially created by Emily (aged 12), which you can see here, right. Emily is the daughter of a past AWP service user.