Publish date: 13 December 2024

The Kingfisher is a new specialist mental health inpatient service that will provide high-quality care for people across the south west with learning disabilities and autism. Co-designed by users and carers with lived experience, the £20 million facility is due to open in 2025 and is part of a £40 million regional project being delivered through two locations, our site in Blackberry Hill, with the other facility in Dawlish, Devon.
The service is operated by Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) and commissioned by Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ICB (BSW). To stay up-to-date with the development, visit the AWP website. This is the first of our regular updates that we will send out to stakeholders every two months.
Name chosen after public vote
Mathew Page, Chief Operating Officer at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP), said: “The kingfisher is a very distinctive bird that represents hope, healing, and vibrancy, and can often be spotted flying along the nearby River Frome. The image and symbolism of this unique creature aligns with our vision for a service which is creative, connected to the environment and which promotes independence. We want to thank all those service users, carers, staff and anyone who took the time to propose a name and to vote.” Ben Stunell, a peer mentor who has been involved in the consultation group, said: “Choosing a name which feels accessible for all and connected to the local environment, representing something beautiful and meaningful, has been very important for those of us with lived experience in helping to decide what the new building will be called. We hope that The Kingfisher will be a place of hope, healing and recovery for many over the coming years.” |
Hospital Rooms
Renowned for their mission to bring creativity, colour, and kindness to mental health hospitals, the charity will work in close collaboration with service users, alongside a diverse group of artists to create a new kind of mental health environment that is sensitive to the people it will care for. We would love you to be involved. Email louis |
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Construction of new mental health facility now underway
The building is designed in a way to offer a therapeutic environment and meet the sensory needs of autistic people and people with a learning disability. This is one of two facilities in development within the south west, with the other in Devon. This regional approach will provide care closer to home to enable people stay connected to family, friends and places that are familiar. The inpatient service will contribute to improved wellbeing, delivering a highly specialised offer within an environment specially designed to meet a range of sensory needs. This aim will provide safe spaces for holistic treatment, care, and recovery from mental illness. The regional programme does not just relate to the inpatient services, the ICB focus will be on moving people through the care journey into their communities and only providing specialised environments when absolutely necessary and appropriate, in line with the finalised regional service specification and referral and admission criteria (currently in development). The regional programme will continue the work across systems to strengthen community support to people with improved prevention, crisis response and alternatives to admission. By successfully delivering this, it is our belief that fewer people will have needs ‘that can only be met in hospital’ and will have improved care, treatment, and quality of life. Picture above: Architects impressions of what the finished facilities will look like. Top – the courtyard; middle – a bedroom; bottom – a communal space. |
Commissioning arrangementsThe Lead Commissioner for The Kingfisher is Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board, with Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire also commissioning a bed. This is part of a regional offer with the partner unit ‘The Brook’ being based on Devon and being commissioned by NHS Devon ICB. Karen King, Head of Learning Disabilities, Autism & Neurodivergence and Reuben Collings, Clinical Lead for Learning Disabilities, Autism & Neurodivergence at Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) Integrated Care Board are working with NHS Devon to develop single point of access arrangements and are developing service specifications and contractual monitoring processes to ensure the service is a positive and appropriate experience for patients, families, carers and staff. |

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We are now recruiting for The Kingfisher. Click here to discover our latest opportunities. |