Publish date: 6 March 2025
For patients in Bath, North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire
Information for patients in the following services:
- Bristol Autism Spectrum Service (BASS) in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES)
- Learning Disabilities in Wiltshire
- Learning Disabilities in Swindon
- Autism diagnostic service in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES), Swindon and Wiltshire
- ADHD prescribing service provider in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire.
Patients will shortly receive an important letter to let them know that from April 1st a new provider, HCRG Care Group, will be taking over responsibility for the above services.
The letter explains that to ensure a smooth transition from AWP to the new provider, we need their consent to share their details with HCRG Care Group so they can continue with their care.
What You Need to Do
- If you are a patient of affected services a letter will be with you shortly, please read it carefully
- If you are happy for your information to be shared, you do not need to take any action. Your records will be securely transferred.
- If you do not want your information transferred, please contact by 14th March 2025.
HCRG Care Group has launched a dedicated website for patients and stakeholders across Bath, North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW). Here, you can learn more about HCRG Care Group, its commitment to protecting health and care records, as well as the vision for community health services in BSW and how you can get involved. Visit: