Publish date: 12 October 2023

On Tuesday 10 October, Bath City Farm held a community event in aid of World Mental Health Day in partnership with St Mungo’s, Bath Mind and AWP. Several different services within AWP attended including the Patient and Carer Experience team, BaNES Talking Therapies and BaNES Early Intervention. There were a range of stalls as well as informative talks covering a variety of different topics throughout the day. There were also different interactive workshops including mindfulness, singing and arts and crafts. It was a great and impactful way to raise awareness of the range and interconnectivity of wellbeing and mental health support available to people across BaNES.

Ralph Lillywhite at St Mungos said “This is a great event for bringing different organisations together to build that network and to create a great space for carers and service users to come along and find out more about the support that is available, including tours, talks and stalls. Holding it at the farm is lovely as it is such a great space with such beautiful views.”

Jo Woodsford, Service User and Carer Involvement Coordinator, AWP said “World Mental Health Day is such an important day in our calendar. It's all about working together in collaboration with other organisations that support people with their mental health. We want to share information with people that will help them with their mental health, as well as talking and sharing information about mental health more generally. For example, there was an informative talk about urbanicity. Did you know you're 50% more likely to suffer psychosis if you've grown up in a built environment. This talk heard from people with lived experience. It is so important we give a voice to those people with experience of mental health issues, because they are the experts. We can't improve things if we don't listen to those who are experiencing these things.”

Below you can find AWP colleagues enjoying their time at the farm yesterday. 
