Event date: 4 April 2024, 10:00 am to 11:30 am

Living Well with Long Term Pain (4 weekly sessions)

People can experience long term pain for many reasons and it can be very challenging to manage. This course aims to help people understand more about long term pain, including some of the things that can make it worse. The focus is on the techniques that can help better manage the pain and improve quality of life.

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding long term pain and its impact
  • Prioritising, pacing and planning activities
  • Managing expectations
  • Dealing with unhelpful thoughts
  • Helpful ways to communicate feelings and needs

This is a taught course, run in a group format, so although there will be some group discussion it is up to you how much or how little you choose to take part.

Important information: This course will be run via Microsoft Teams. You will not need to download or pay for this. The link will be sent to you prior to the course, where you can enter as a guest. Clear instructions will be sent to you in advance.  You will need to provide an e-mail address and have internet access with a microphone and be in a private space.

This course is open to people who are registered with a GP in the Swindon area.

To reserve a place please ring Swindon Talking Therapies on 01793 836836.