We continually monitor the performance of the Trust and our services through our integrated governance processes, which includes committees and ultimately, our Trust Board. The independent regulator, the CQC, also rates our services regularly. Our performance is also summarised in our annual reports and quality accounts which you can view below, alongside our latest staff survey results and CQC reports.
You can find copies of all our Trust Board papers here.
AWP's Annual Report features a summary of the Trust's achievements and financial information. You can view the reports here.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates care provided by the NHS, local authorities, private companies and voluntary organisations. The CQC aims to ensure better care is provided for everyone - in hospitals, care homes and people's own homes. The commission also seeks to protect the interests of people whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act.
The CQC regularly carries out unannounced inspections of services. During an inspection, the CQC will:
- ask service users and their carers about their experiences of receiving care.
- talk to our staff about the work they do.
- check that the right systems and processes are in place.
- look for evidence on whether care is meeting government standards.
Following an inspection, the CQC will submit a report on their findings to us. We then use this report to prepare and implement an action plan, helping us to improve our services based on any recommendations made.
The CQC review all the information they hold about a provider from a range of sources to produce Quality and Risk Profiles (QRPs). We have chosen to publish the QRPs about AWP, and they can be found here: QRPs
The Quality Account formally reports on the quality of our services across the key areas of safety, effectiveness and patient experience. It includes sections on:
- how we have performed against our nationally set targets and quality standards.
- how we have performed against a set of measures that follows the service user care pathway.
- our planned quality improvements for the coming year and how we will report and monitor these improvements.
- comments and assurances received from external organisations.
Our Quality Account reflects input from various stakeholders, including patients and service users, carers and clinicians.
We continually seek feedback from everyone who reads the document to find out which areas are of most interest and value, the aspects where more information would be helpful, and suggestions on any areas not covered.
A Quality Account is published by AWP every year at the end of June. The Quality Account helps us improve how we report to the public on the quality of services we provide.