During the Covid-19 pandemic we were fortunate enough to receive funds from NHS Charities Together to help us go a little further, this included monies raised by Captain Sir Tom Moore.

To help us continue providing the extra support across AWP, we really need your help to raise funds.

We want to continue to raise funds to help our patients, carers and staff by enhancing their care environments, providing a range of therapeutic activities. At the same time, raising awareness of mental health and reducing the stigma.

To help us do this, you can:

Donate to Headlight Charity

You can donate via our fundraising platform, JustGiving. Simply use the donate button on this page.

Donate to one of our appeals 

There are times when we need to raise funds for something special. Creating an appeal means you can raise funds and celebrate when we reach that target.

Check back here for more details on our current projects.

Organise your own fundraising event

There are lots of exciting and fun ways you can fundraise for Headlight. Anyone can fundraise, staff, patients, families, carers, companies, groups, schools and the public.

Download our fundraising pack for more details on how you can help raise money and put the ‘fun’ back into fundraising.

If you would like to get involved, and not sure of the best way – we can help you. Contact us today. Email us awp.headlightfundraising@nhs.net.

We can provide advice and guidance and provide fundraising materials too, such as t-shirts, vests, banners – all to help support your activity or event.

Donate in memory of a loved one

Making a donation in memory of a loved one can be a thoughtful way to remember someone and celebrate their life while helping others in the community. We’re always very grateful to receive these donations.

Donations in lieu of flowers

If you are arranging a funeral and would like to suggest a collection for Headlight Charity instead of a floral tribute you can speak to the funeral director.  Most funeral directors are willing to collect donations in lieu of flowers, handling the administration of these gifts for you. They will collect the donations and send them on to us.

You can create an online memorial tribute page on JustGiving, offering family and friends the ability to make their donation online and leave a message of condolence.

Make a gift in memory

You may decide to make a one-off or regular donation to us in memory of someone close.

For more information, email us awp.headlightfundraising@nhs.net.

Fundraise in memory

Taking part in a challenge or organising your own fundraising event is a very special way to remember a loved one. If this is something you are interested in doing, please get in touch with us for more information email us awp.headlightfundraising@nhs.net.

Leave a gift in your will

Making a will provides you with a chance to remember the people and causes you hold dear to you.

If you would like more information on “Leaving a gift in your will” for Headlight charity, please email us today and we’ll send you our guide. awp.headlightfundraising@nhs.net.

Become a corporate partner

Supporting Headlight Charity provides great links with our mental health community. It also adds value to your brand and creates engaging and positive public relations.

You can demonstrate your commitment by partnering with us. We connect with our community, and working with us is a positive step with your corporate social responsibility.

A partnership with can:

  • Help you increase reach and strengthens brand awareness
  • Help grow loyalty to your brand and products and services

Help integrate local communities

  • Attracts and motivates staff who believe in giving-back
  • Offer team building and development

Ways to support us as a corporate partner

  • Project Sponsorship and collaborations
  • Employee fundraising
  • Pro-bono support
  • Charity of the Year scheme
  • Payroll Giving

Email us today for more details on our corporate partnerships for Headlight Charity. awp.headlightfundraising@nhs.net.


Become a volunteer

Volunteers play a really important part at Headlight Charity They are the unpaid heroes and we value each and every contribution that they make. For more information on how to become a volunteer, email us awp.headlightfundraising@nhs.net.

We’re looking for passionate individuals, who can spare a little time each month helping the charity to do even more for our patients, carers and staff.

If you think you could add value to our Trust’s Charity by being a volunteer, please do get in touch!