Our equality commitments include:

Equality Delivery System 2022 (EDS22)

The Equality Delivery System 2022 (EDS22) is an improvement tool for patients, staff and leaders of the NHS. It supports NHS organisations in England - in active conversations with patients, public, staff, staff networks, community groups and trade unions - to review and develop their approach in addressing health inequalities through three domains: (1) Services, (2) Workforce Health and Wellbeing; and (3) Leadership. It is driven by data, evidence, engagement and insight.

Implementation of EDS22 is a requirement on both NHS commissioners and NHS providers like AWP. Organisations are encouraged to follow the implementation of EDS in accordance EDS guidance documents. 

The EDS reports are designed to give an overview of AWP’s most recent EDS assessments and scoring. Once completed, the reports submitted to NHSE/I and published below.

It is important to note that for each of the domains, assessments are carried out under stipulated criteria and using a scoring and rating guidance. For each domain a score is established which then gives us an overall organisational score and rating stipulated on the EDS Rating and Score Card guidance document. 

For assessments under Domain 1, we follow the guidance of using the middle score (i.e median) out of the three service that are assessed.  This score, along with the scores for Domain 2 and 3, are added together which then gives us an overall organisational score and rating as stipulated on the EDS Rating and Score Card guidance document.


EDS Domain 1 Rating and Score Card Guidance



BSW SMI Physical Health Service - Assessment and Action Plan

Service Score / Rating: 6

Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service - Assessment and Action Plan

Service Score / Rating: 5

PALS and Complaints Service - Assessment and Action Plan

Service Score / Rating: 4

Overall Domain middle (median) score = 






Overall Organisational Score = 15

Overal EDS Organisational Rating = Developing Activity

Our Trust-wide EDI Action Plan

We have a robust Equality, Diversity and Inclusion action plan, which has been developed through our annual equality action planning. The actions are focused on four key areas which are:

  • EDI and Career Progression & Recruitment
  • EDI and Just Culture
  • EDI and Quality Improvement
  • EDI and Service Delivery

Monitoring the delivery of the actions under each thematic area is carried out on a monthly basis, and reports are submitted to our strategy leadership.

The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES)

The WDES is a set of ten metrics that will help NHS organisations to compare the experiences of disabled and non-disabled staff. These metrics are needed because evidence reports and research show that the level of reported discrimination and inequality for people with disabilities working in the NHS is higher than any other protected characteristic.

You can view our progress against the WDES metric in our WDES reports below. 

Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)

The main purpose of the WRES is to help us review our data against the nine race equality indicators, so that we can take action to close the gaps in workplace experience between white and black and ethnic minority (BME) staff. You can view our progress against the WRES indicators in our WRES reports.

WRES Reports

Thumbnail Title
PDF file icon WRES Report 2024

WDES Reports

Thumbnail Title
PDF file icon WDES Report 2024

Annual Equality Data Monitoring Reports

The Equality Act 2010 requires all public authorities to publish information to demonstrate their compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) by 31 January each year. This gives us an overview of how diverse our workforce, our membership and those who use our services is. We can then see how we can improve on the work that we are doing to create a diverse organisation. You can view our reports below.

PSED Data Report

PSED Data Report 2023 1

Publishing our pay gap

We are an employer required by law to carry out gender pay reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.  From 2021, we have added to this commitment to include ethnicity pay gap and disability pay gap data.  This helps us to understand the progress we are making to narrow any gap between the average earnings of men and women, staff from different racial groups, and between disabled and non-disabled staff.  You can find our pay gap reports on our Publications page.